Thursday, October 18, 2007

Dancing Cockatoo

What joy to watch this bird dance to the beat of the Backstreet Boys. You will not stop laughing seeing him dance. I just love this piece of work. Here's the YouTube

Bird Lovers Only Rescue

Dedicated to Avian Rescue, Adoption, and Education
Thursday, September 6, 2007
May I have this dance?

Snowball is a medium sulphur crested Eleanora cockatoo and he loves to dance and sing. He loves the Back Street Boys. No one taught Snowball to dance...he just heard this song and suddenly felt like dancing. We're all jealous because he can outdance each one of us...nobody likes a show off! When he's really in the mood, he dances and sings. And at the end of the performance he takes a bow or two or twenty!! Enjoy the show.

Posted by Bird Lovers Only Rescue at 1:16 PM

Labels: Cockatoo, Dancing, Rescue/Sanctuary Birds

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Cassi's Creation

I thought the poem and music went together. The music is soothing and pleasant. Cassi did a great job. I like it very much.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Web 2.0: Where will the next generation of web it take libraries?

Web 2.0 has 5 professionals (Librarians) share their expertise, knowledge and views on this subject. All very well said. Overwhelming but needed to drive home the impact of what modern technology has done for libraries and users. Everyone is impacted, whether they be young school children, high school students, college age students, scholars, educators, professors, businesses and/or anyone in communities, they benefit from it all when libraries bring their services readily and conveniently available to patrons. Are we scheduled for Web 3.0 & Web 4.0 next summer? We'll have to find out what is in store for us.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Wikis and OU Libraries Wiki

I went to the OU Libraries Wiki and added my blog to the favorites and I also added a movie to favorite movies. I also used Wikipedia to look up some information on the recent space mission of the Space Shuttle Endeavour, August 7-21, 2007.


Technorati sounded beautiful to my ears. That's crazy, isn't it? It's a brand new word to me. Yes, I created a Technorati account and added my blog in blogosphere. What do I think about being tracked in Technorati? Not too well. It's sort of scary. There's no secret you can keep anymore. It's open to the world. But Technorati has a lot of advantages just like any other branch of technology. You get connected to links upon links, etc., to information you need.


A podcast is an audiorecording posted online, like a short radio show and is often done through RSS technology. A student or anyone can explore on podcasts on any category they are interested in. I would like to recommend to a student to try out podcasting as another source of taping on information he/she is interested in. While making my search on podcasts, I stumbled on and fell in love with it. As I worked on my birthday I treated myself to some great music by Celine Dion and other famous artists. Here is the link to this virtual radio station

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

23 2.0 Things completed? It's only the beginning...

What a journey this has been for me. Sure I had some problems grasping things. But I did learn a lot of things and had/have lots fun along the way. Will continue to do so. The word BLOG or BLOGOSPHERE was not in my vocabulary then. It's becoming a common word and is nothing to be scared about. I enjoy having the knowledge to upload pictures from the internet using Flickr or uploading pictures from my own camera to my blog. I did quite a few just for the mere fun of it. Among my favorites are YouTube and Podcast. Under podcast I discovered It's a new kind of Radio Station and it's free. You can create your own radio station by searching for your favorite artist or your kind of music to listen to. Pandora then plays for you your favorite songs and you can listen to them for as long as you want to. Thanks & Kudos to all who had a part in putting this seminar together. That is, Learning 2.0 for the Library Staff. For without it, I won't have learned how to blog or appreciate or know that there are so much things and resources out there for yourself and for anybody or everybody (students, parents, & others on earth). Everyone of you administrators were very supportive and very helpful. Keep it up. Positively speaking, we should have something similar for 2008!